I remember Uncle Dave very well. He was a jolly, pleasant man who tended to be somewhat overweight in his older years. He was very fond of my father [Johnnie Lee Mundy] and visited us often. I remember one incident when he was visiting us very vividly. It was during prohibition days and my Dad was known to tun off a batch of "home brew" now and again. As any one who has ever made "home brew" will tell you, bottling the stuff at just the right time is crucial to determining the right amount of carbonation in the finished product. There is an ART to it. If you wait too long until all fermentation is complete, you will get a "flat" beer which can be drunk but is not very good. If you bottle too soon when fermentation is active,m your product will be over-carbonated and will explode in the bottle, or gush out of the bottle when the cap is loosened. Well, my father and Uncle Dave were talking under a shade tree in the front of the house and Dad said, "Roy Lee, go in the house and bring Uncle Dave a beer." I went in and down into the root cellar under the kitchen floor and got two bottles of beer, and then the Devli stepped in and caused me to shake the bottles with a will. At the time it seemed such a good joke. When the caps were popped the entire contents spewed 15 feet into the air, and the thirsty men were holding empty bottles. Well, they both laughed and sent me back to get unshaken beer, but I had to settle with my Dad later. It wasn't so danged funny anymore.